For not following these rules, we can deny entrance at any time for any reason.
- Respect the rules
- Respect each other
- Be safe
- Have fun!
Be Cool at the Checkpoints
Before boarding shuttle busses, attendees will be thoroughly checked for alcohol, which will be confiscated before departure.
Every attendee will undergo a reasonable search of her/his person & belongings prior to entry to the event. The following items are restricted, may not be brought onto the bus or into the event, and will be confiscated:
- alcoholic beverages
- illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia
- weapons of any kind
- containers, thermoses, bottles
- fireworks or firecrackers
- large bags or backpacks
- outside food & drinks
Be Cool at the Event
Keep it classy! Have the time of your life, but conduct yourselves maturely & responsibly.
Cause for removal includes:
- Fighting, violence
- Abuse (verbal or physical)
- Disrespect or harassment of other guests
- Damage of any kind to the venue
No non-ticketed entry
No in & out privileges
No smoking unless where permitted
Do your part to make it a fun & memorable night for everyone!
Go immediately to security or staff if you see or experience a problem.
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